

GDI會員們 大家好:

我們是tim和sebert修女 。我們住在夏洛特郊區,北卡羅萊納郊區某叫韋斯利禮拜堂。GDI希望我們分享給各位伙伴我們的故事。





第二天,週六, 2005年1月1日,我們接到了未來的上線 馬蒂和克里斯蒂娜 打來的電話。


我們意識到GDI不會是一個" 100碼賽跑" :它更像一場" 26英里馬拉松" 。確認它是在建立一個穩定,且持續性的被動式收入。




我們在經營GDI的第一年,我們就還清所有的信用卡和大部分的小女孩的醫院負債。第二年結束時,我們用頭款買下一個新的5000平方英尺,三層樓的預售屋。我們也買了一輛美麗的新車,Infiniti QX56豪華休旅車,並享受每年幾個星期的度假。

最近,我們剛剛搬進我們新家"The Home that GDI Built" 。它有7間睡房, 4浴池,娛樂/媒體室,一個我們夢想中的房子。為什麼我們分享與你這一切,因為我們要你回想一下,當我們第一次遇上這個事業機會時。我們接近破產邊緣。



在此 我們祝福所有GDI會員 一樣成功!



Proof Positive: Success with GDI!
Hello Fellow GDI Affiliates,

Tim and Teresa Sebert, Wesley Chapel, North Carolina
We're Tim and Teresa Sebert. We live outside of Charlotte, North Carolina in a suburb called Wesley Chapel. GDI asked us to share our story with you.

For the last 30 years prior to Global Domains International, we were involved in the network marketing industry with a handful of companies. We experienced some tremendous successes, but also experienced some unbelievable failures. The majority of our career was spent in the nutritional health and wellness industry. But by 2004, we realized everyone and their brother had a great juice, diet pill, skin care product, or vitamin. The competition was fierce, but more importantly, people were tired of buying the next new "miracle" product.

Toward the end of 2004, we watched our monthly five-figure income dwindle to almost nothing. We were robbing Peter to pay Paul with credit cards, we had over $100,000 in medical bills from the birth of our now 4 year-old daughter, and we didn't know what to do. On December 31, 2004, we decided our New Year's resolution was no more nutritional companies. We decided we were going to take as much time as we needed to find the perfect company. We wanted a tech company we could ride with into the future with no competition.

The following day, Saturday, January 1, 2005, we received a call from the people who would become our sponsors, Marty and Christina. This wasn't a new call as they had been calling us it seemed like every week for the last 4-5 months. They had been trying to get us to watch this online 7-minute movie about a company that had just launched into the network marketing industry. We had been putting them off, but this time the timing was right. We got off the phone and watched the simple movie that explained the GDI business opportunity in 7 minutes easier than it would have taken Marty and Christina 45+ minutes to explain.

We finally witnessed after 30 years, a perfect duplicable system. We signed up and immediately went to work. We realized GDI wasn't going to be a "100 yard dash": It was more of a "26 mile marathon". And THAT is exactly what it takes to build a steady, residual income. Our first week we spent gathering up every name and email address of our family, friends, and business associates and immediately typed them into the GDI movie invitation system. You see, our family and friends were tired of US trying to sell them on everything for the past 30 years. As a matter of fact, they avoided us like the plague, always worried what magical formula we would be pushing down their throats again. This time, we let an online movie system invite, show, and sell them on the GDI opportunity. We didn't have to call, talk, or convince them about this business. All we had to do was develop a simple 1-2 paragraph "Thank You" email which prodded them to join right away. The response was incredible.

In our first year with Global Domains we were able to pay off all of our credit cards and most of our little girl's hospital bills. By the end of the second year, we put down a deposit on a new 5000 square-foot, three-story home that hadn't been built yet. We have also been able to buy a beautiful new Infiniti QX56 SUV and enjoy several weeks of vacation annually.

Fast forward to present time, and we just moved into what we call "The Home that GDI Built". It has 7 bedrooms, 4 baths, a recreation/media room, and every option we could hope for. The reason why we're sharing all this with you is because we want you to think back to when we first got into this business. We were literally too poor to go into bankruptcy. Now that's all changed because of our hard work and because of a company that decided to be different. A company that is honest, simple, and duplicable. A company that will be here not just for us, but for our children. That company is Global Domains International. Thank you Mike, Alan, and all of the dedicated members of the Support team for all you do every day to help other people's dreams come true.

We wish all other GDI affiliates the same tremendous success!

Kindest Regards,

Tim and Teresa Sebert
Wesley Chapel, North Carolina

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